Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The Protonid and Zoats eat Oats (Or Zoatibix)

 It's been a while since I've posted on here. I feel a bit bad about that but things have been very busy what with the end times coming and all that. But I'm back! And I have some cool stuff to show.

Late last year I finally managed to acquire one of my most long sought-after models. It took ten years to find one. Here it is; The Protonid.

Word around the internet is that there are only 17 of these guys in existence but I feel like I've seen a number of them around in online collections and photos so I'm not quite sure how much I trust that number. If anyone can verify for certain, I'd love to hear. I know there really aren't many though and I feel very lucky to have found this one when I did. 

I feel it's a bit of a shame the model was never a full production one as early on in Rogue Trader there weren't any really good models for tyranids as they were described in the book. Later on you could use termagant models in its place, which are smaller but seem to be based on this design. I always found it a bit odd that the "Tyranid" as described in Rogue Trader, only existed here. I think it's a really cool design and an awesomely detailed model. I did not paint this one, this paint job is how I purchased it.

For a long time I've wanted to build an authentic RT Tyranid Space Zoat Squad (TSZS?) so now that I have the tyranid overlord, I felt inspired to paint some zoats.

I thought purple would be a good colour to contrast with the green skin of the zoats and it feels pretty alien and organic to me, which is what Tyranid technology is. I also just really like the purple/green colour combination.

I'm pretty happy with how they turned out and I think they look good with the protonid. I need to paint two more for a full squad, which I already have primed. I rolled up a squad just for fun already too. I would LOVE to play a small skirmish game of Rogue Trader with these guys. Hopefully I can someday if things calm down with the whole virus mess. 

For now, I shall continue painting.

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